Need a Smoking Pipe

To make a Two-Stroke go well you need the right pipe.  And when you make a custom bike/engine your not going to find the right pipe on the shelf.  I had been looking at pipes for a while and the techniques to make them.  Most pipes you buy are two pressing halves welded together.  There is another method where you weld two flat sheets together that has a shape.  You then pump up with water and get this nice looking pipe.  This method needs some black magic to come out looking nice.

The most common method for custom pipes is cones.  This means welding and a lot of welding.  This is the path we decided to go down.  But until you have a pipe design you have nothing to weld.

Shane the engineman worked some magic and somehow did the calculations to design a pipe to do what we needed it to do and to fit the bike.  The hardest part is I had the bike in Brisbane and Shanes in Melbourne.

Somehow he did it and I received a file to send to the laser cutter.  I dropped the material off and a few days later received and a handful of components.

IMG_2986Now I just had to make them cylindrical.  Andy Corrigan helped with some advice and rollers.  I rolled and beat all the flat material until it became round.  Then took it to a welder who welded up the seams.

IMG_3007After the seams are welded you get some deformation.  So it was back to making them all round again.  Then it could be fully welded into a pipe.

IMG_3038It came out great.  Just tacked together here but very close to the finished product.  It also has a stinger tube that could be replaced to change its size.

Author: 40mmracing

I have always had a desire to go to speed week and have a run on the salt. 2017 is going to be that year.

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